Educational Workshops

Workshops are a great way to bring tough conversations to the table when larger groups are involved. Whether you are conducting a training or simply wanting to help support stigma-shattering conversations in the workplace, school, faith community, neighborhood or any organization, I can help with this. A sampling of topics I’ve presented in the past include:

  • Better Boundaries: From Tough Love to Loving Well

  • Speaking up about being down

  • Whole Family Healing from addiction

  • Mental Health and HR: Guiding mental health conversations in the workplace

  • Small Changes, Big Results: Compassionate responses to family addiction

Let's connect and discuss how a workshop could provide the training and education your group is looking for.


40 million people…

suffer from a substance use disorder

For each person with a SUD…

4 family members are negatively impacted

Just ONE person in the family…

can start to positively impact the family dynamics